Yr 8's Hockey

Today, the Yr 8's had a lesson of hockey, which was held in our school hall. Our instructor was Mel and she taught us some valuable things. At the start of our lesson we had a game of Octopus which someone had to be tagger and the tagger had to call a category of what the person has. They gave us each an hockey stick and a ball each. After that, they gave us an activity where, they call out a traffic light which was Green - for dribbling, Orange - stop but just keep on dribbling, Red - stop, Purple - Reverse, Silver - Speeding your dribbling, Blue - Dribbling in circles. After that, we were split into 2 teams and whoever calls a number, a number of people has to play hockey against the other team. We had a wonderful time playing hockey and having new things being learnt.
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