This blog is a record of my learning from Panmure Bridge Primary School through to Tamaki College.
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
My Netbook Reflection. by June.
This is my Netbook Reflection and it all about how I treat my netbook and how I learnt from it. This is my our classroom last day of having our netbook but some of them are taking there Netbook over the holidays.
Monday, 9 December 2013
Friday, 6 December 2013
This is my Blog Comnents
Hi Nazella
I Really like your post on EID I think that you post is cool.
I Really like your post on EID I think that you post is cool.
This is y Blog comment
blog comments
My Blog comment.
June6 December 2013 14:32
HI Room 8,
June Here I really like your fliping e book and its all about book I think that is really cool
And Stands for cool.
June Here I really like your fliping e book and its all about book I think that is really cool
And Stands for cool.
This my blog coment
My blog Comment on Room 8 blog. By June
Hi room 8,
June Here, I really like your presentation about the Tamaki River and I really like the type of song.
June Here, I really like your presentation about the Tamaki River and I really like the type of song.
This is my Blog comments on room Eights blog.
Monday, 2 December 2013
This is my xtra math results by June.
This is my xtramath Results . I am so happy that I got 46 smiley faces , 3 ticks and I got 3 wrong.
Friday, 29 November 2013
My blog comment about drama. By June
Yesterday after we had lunch we had drama. While we had drama Our teacher ( Mrs Eeles ) made up this is cool games name flowing with words. First up we had Patrick vs Jane , Jane was scared to vs with Patrick. While they was still playing Jane lost and Patrick win. While Jane lost Mrs Eeles told Anonther kid to go up vs Patrick . After that we played A game name build an object then after that we went back to class and did math and that what we did for the afternoon.
by June
by June
My Collage. By June
This is my Collage about the school party. our teacher ( Mrs Eeles ) she told us To I do this and share this to her. while Doing this My Friend helped me to put this on my blog.
Thursday, 28 November 2013
Quiz Completed
This is my Result that I did Today and well my partner Timed me and My time was 2 minute and 18 seconds. My results was 45% thats good for a change thanks for watching.
Monday, 25 November 2013
This is room five Favourite movies By June
This is me and my Partner' s Catergorie. In this catergorie about movie and the name are despicble , Smurfs 2 , Turbo , Percy Jackson. In this catergorie we have to tell the people what is you favourite movie , Despicable 2 there are 8 people that choose Despicable , there are 2 people that choose Smurfs 2 , there are 5 people that choose Smurfs 2 , and the last people choose Percy jackson and not that many people that choose percy Jackson of the rise of the sea monsters 3 people that really choose percy jackson.
My favourite movie in this Catergorie was Despicable me 2 because that many people choose Despicable me.
My Partner's favourite movie was percy jackson the rise of the sea monsters because I watched it with my older brother that just came from waiheke island.
favourite movies
Friday, 22 November 2013
This is my blog comment By June
My blog comment.
Today my after morning tea time we had drama. While we had drama mrs Eeles (teacher) she told our classroom that we have to do a freeze frame something to do with water but we have to do water our teacher tells us to do what inside its but I couldn't do but I have to do something funny. When Mrs Eeles told us that that our last freeze frame. When she said our freeze frame finish we started to say whoooooo then she said now we can play survival and. While we was playing survival when we was almost finishing our game ( survival ) Mrs Eeles said that now we can get into groups and my groups was Lani, Jasmine, Jane and June for the tamaki river then we did a game name splish splash sqrite.
my blog comment
Thursday, 21 November 2013
My current Event week 6. by June
This my Current events for today , me and my partner has the same results and as you cane see that my Score is 40.%
Current event
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
My Rotary Walk. By June
My walk to the Tamaki River.
Two weeks ago my school went on a walk too Tamaki River. First we went over the bridge , second we went around the Panmure basin. We Walked around the basin then we stopped to have morning tea for 20 minutes, after our 20 minutes was up, we kept on walking around the Rotary walkway ,we went to the Panmure bridge marina then we walked down the road then we stopped for a second then we followed room eight. After we went after room eight we went up the hill and then we stopped because we was so tired then we kept on going until our teacher told us to stop then we went passed Latham’s house and I think that no-one was home.
We had a rest only for about 12 minutes, I felt like having a sleep then having more sleep just because I can. While I was still walking with my twin sister Jane, Miss Anderson gave her an energy lollies which made me jealous and I said “ can I have one please?” then she said “ no “ and I asked “why “ and Miss Anderson said
“because their are no more lollies left“, “ohhhhhhhhh” I said, and I said to Jane “ I wish that Miss Anderson had of given me an lolly too. While I was walking with my sister we saw room 6 ahead of us, they were the first ones to make it too the sailing club. Everyone had lunch, it started to rain. Everyone run for shelter, once it stopped raining everyone finished their lunch then went to play on the slide. We went to an exercise park, everyone had a turn playing on all the different exercise things. We waited for the three buses to arrive and take us back to school, once we got back to school everyone went to the hall and we all got a ice block. It was a really trying and hot day but I had fun.
My Rotary walk.By June
Monday, 11 November 2013
Wednesday, 6 November 2013
Xtra Maths Results By June.
This is my Xtra Maths Results. I am very proud of myself because I have 54 smiley faces and I have never gone past 20 or 25 before and I am really proud of myself
Friday, 1 November 2013
My Document About Mary Dilemma By June
Mary’s Dilemma.
In the lovely summers country called India, their lived a girl named marry. She was so exciting to go school, so she got change , had breakfast she thought that her mother would wake up , so she went to her bedroom , she woke her up so she can go school , But suddenly was worried that she would never been wake so , so she walk to school but when school was finish she waited and waited for her to pick her up from school. So she waited and waited until she have to walk home when she went home she went to her bedroom and she was still sleeping inside her bed.
By June
My document By june
Thursday, 31 October 2013
Touch By June.
Today room five played touch with Trevor (Coach). first we did A revisition for the past few week. Second we played touch and then we took turns and then we the girls took turns first anfdthen the boys. thirdly that I like is doing playing touch because we get to actull play touch.
freeze frame. by june
Today Room 5 did a freeze frame with Mrs Eeles. First Mrs Eeles gave us a card and our teams have to make a pose and then we can share it to the class.
I think we all did our best doing the freeze frame.
freeze frame.
Wednesday, 30 October 2013
Tuesday, 29 October 2013
My Extra math Results. By June
This is my Xtra Maths Results. I Have 41 smiley faces, 5 ticks and 2 wrong. I am very impressed with myself and I have never got so many smiley faces before.
My Whizz results.By June
This Is my math whizz results that Miss Paton screenshot from math whizz and I am so happy that I got 100 on my performance.But Sometimes I go on math whizz At home.
My math. By June
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
Monday, 21 October 2013
My Question on the Tamaki River. By June
This is my wallwisher that miss Paton show all the classroom today. My wallwisher IS about Question about the Tamaki river.
wall wisher
This is my Math whizz Results. By June
This is my math whizz Results that Miss Paton Sent Me and room five . I have been moved in math whizz and How many mins I have spent is 32 mins and On my Performance I got 100% no math whizz,
My math
Friday, 18 October 2013
Wednesday, 16 October 2013
Thursday, 26 September 2013
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
My Reflection on the production.By June
My Reflection On Production
What is the storyline of your Production ?
In the first sense is about how Rangi tells the four brothers to go on the adventure and they get caught in the very bad storm and Aoraki flew on one of the rocks and the canoe didn’t sink but they became old and they become mountains.
Who are the actors and who are the backstage hands who makes the props and put things on stage ?
The Actors are the four brothers and Papa earth mother, Rangi and the narrator is Angel and the friends Mokupuna Caitlin, Samantha, Oh S’mar, Patrick and Jasmine.
What Roll is my classroom Roll doing in the production.
My classroom is about how Aoraki and his three brothers became the mountains and the mokopuna was looking for him and the papa earth mother was angry at Tuterangiwhiu because he hadn't found him
What props need to be made
The props that need to be made is the flower to be grow out and to background should be quiet in the back. and in the backstage should be ready for the Roll in the production and I think that everyone in the production should be ready for the production.
How are you making the costumes and the other props what are there made from
The costumes are made from cardboard.
Do people who are learning their lines too need more practise or are they making good progress
Yes I think that Angel is good remember her lines and she almost got her lines correct and I like the way she has expression with her lines and I think that she is good remembering her lines and it good.
What need to be improved more
I think that need to more improved is that everyone is be ready In front of the audience and not be shy in front of the audience.
Are Actors are using their bodies to show expression
Yes I think that the actors are really doing well with the roll and how their expression too the body and really doing well with everything I the Roll I think that the person that have speaking part should be calm at doing the speaking part
Who are the actors in the this roll
Aoraki is latham
Papa Earth mother is Lavania
Rangi sky father is halaiano
Tuerakiwhano ia Patrick
Hine nai l te po is fine
narrator is Angel
Mokopuna is catlin samantha OhS’mar and the last one of the mokopuna is jasmine
rakiroa is creedence
rakiroa cyprus
Rarakiuroa is thomas.
Wednesday, 11 September 2013
Tuesday, 10 September 2013
Friday, 6 September 2013
My Production goals. By June
Production Goals
How to move from an OK performance to a Very Good Performance Move from being ZERO to HERO
* Talk slower - EVERYONE
* Look at the audience when we are speaking and acting out our parts
* Use more expression
* Don’t get distracted by the people behind- Cyprus, Thomas, Patrick, Linda, Fine, Angel, Jharda’e, Samantha, Oh S’mar, Jasmine, Jason
* Know the timing off by heart
* Talk louder - Fine, Angel,
* Be confident don’t be shy
* When you hear your cue- act on it.
* Look not laugh when someone makes a mistake
Don’t giggle when someone is acting
* Bodies facing audience, but also looking at the actor beside you - include your audience
* Don’t get distracted when you’re back stage
* Use some actions when you’re talking
* Get ready back stage
* Spread out those who are flowers, mountains, fish,
* Don’t let your class down
* Put lots of effort into the class performane
* Take your role seriously
ce* Leave other people alone
* Concentrate on your part
* Try and make the performance real
This is my production goals that I need to work on my production. Why I think that I need to move on with My role But some people is very good with there roles
My Production goals
Thursday, 5 September 2013
My Quiz Results By June
This is my News Quiz Results that me and Tim ( partner ) got. We got 50%. Me and Time are proud of ourself's because we got 50 percent.
Friday, 30 August 2013
Monday, 26 August 2013
This is my extra math. By June
This is my extra math that I did today as you see I got 25% yeahhhh!!! I am so happy that I will celebrate tomight.
My math that I am so happy today
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
This is my question about geysers
My question about geysers
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
My Quarters posters. by June.
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
Monday, 5 August 2013
Friday, 2 August 2013
Tuesday, 30 July 2013
Tuesday, 9 July 2013
Friday, 5 July 2013
Wednesday, 3 July 2013
Monday, 1 July 2013
This is my math whizz Results
This is my math whizz Results that I've screen shot today at the noon time. as you see the I have made heaps of perfomance
Thursday, 27 June 2013
This is my quiz graph
This is my graph. I made with my teacher. This week I got 30 every week I never get 100% but I tried my best.But sadly Im still happy
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
This is my presention on present day education
I learnt that in the past children sat in rows. The teacher gave the children the strap or the cane. The teachers were very strict.
my speech rubic
This is my speech rubic that I did and shared to lani I rote my speech and it sounded good thankyou for looking at my blog thank you.
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