Here is picture of the year 7 and 8's photo together with our certificate. This certificate comes along by participating in science at Tamaki College. We had received this because we had finished our project that we had to work on for the past few weeks
This blog is a record of my learning from Panmure Bridge Primary School through to Tamaki College.
Monday, 14 December 2015
Sunday, 13 December 2015
Careers DLO - June
Here is a digital learning object that I have made by using google drawing things about. This careers includes different ablities for being a make up artist. This is what I have chosen to be when I grow up and older. I made this because we had take quiz of what we want to be when we grow up.
make artist
Friday, 4 December 2015
Flag Vote Results - June
On the Verity we had to choose these these five flags that we had to choose from. Here are the percentage of how much other students have chosen. The blue percentage was the most one that other student has chosen as their favorite flag. The red percentage has the most one that other student has chosen. The green percentage have the favorite flag. Also the least one has not been chosen as their favorite flag.
flag votes,
term 4
Thursday, 3 December 2015
Choosing A New Flag - June, Evelyn, Tiare & Tim
Here is what Evelyn, Tim, Tiare, and I have been working on this morning. Firstly we had to do 4, 3, 2, 1. On the fourth one, we had 4 minutes to read all of the information under the five flags. For the third one, we had three minutes to choose a partner and share a reason why you choose this For the second, we had 2 minutes to change your buddy and they had a quick reason why they choose that flag. On the first one, we had only 1 minute to form in a group of four and they each had to say why they have chosen that flag and why. Secondly we did this because we had pick a flag and then we had to share it on google drawing.
The flag that I choose was the Silver fern ( Red, White, and Blue ). I choose this one because it brings out different cultures and different identities.
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
Term 4 Reply
LI:To reflect on personal goals set in Term 1.
Dear Term 1 Me,
Wow, what an incredible year I have had. Throughout the year I have achieved a lot of things and finally I am at the national standards YAY!!!. Well, at the beginning of the year I have been quite and a shy girl, well now I have been a confident enough that I can present as duffy role model, and a presenter for assembly. As I said, I have been involved in intersports and didn’t know I was sporty girl until this year. I have been doing my homework almost every week. I have achieved my subjects throughout the year. This year I have been doing science for my elective in term 3. I have a lot of friends and family who supports me in my learning. I had some up and down but I have some friend that stand beside. I have made new friends this year and I support them too. Throughout the year R5 had Miss Donaldson as our teacher for 6 weeks and that was really impressive. This year we have been going on school trips and my favourite was going to Rangitoto with other students. In term 2 the Year 7/8 have been at camp but I didn’t go to camp this year only my sister did. On fridays the Year 7/8 have been going to technology. Having Mrs Anderson as my teacher have been an awesome year.
Yours truly, June
term 4 reply,
term 4.
Monday, 16 November 2015
Motivational Quotes - June
Here is a google drawing of Motivational Quotes from Elbert Einstein. This includes 4 pictured that has quotes from Elbert Einstein.
CARE awards,
term 4
Science Planning House - June, Mahdia, Saruja, Tiare.
Here is a DLO about our Science Planning House. This include all the things that we used too make the Jaffas ramp. For this activity I worked with June, Mahdia and Tiare. We worked collaboratively to fill up all these questions. We had to answer these question to show other what was fair and what was unfair because some of the Jaffas Ramp was short and long which was really difficult to compare which jaffas went far not not went far. This activity was really fun and it helped us to use the correct Equipment to make our ramp.
Tuesday, 10 November 2015
Simple Machine - Screw: June, Afu, Courtney, Juanita.
This is my groups reading activity that we have created. The purpose of making this is to understand what is a simple machine are and what they used in the past. We created this by using Google Presentation. My favorite fact is that a screw can be able to hold parts of other machines together.
google slide,
simple machine,
term 4
Monday, 9 November 2015
Wookwood At Tech.
This is my poster that I made about woodwork that we do at Tamaki College for tech. This includes what we do at woodwork and what could you do for this.
CARE awards,
term 4
Monday, 2 November 2015
Make A wise Choice - Smoking
This is a DLO that my group have made. This Digital Learning Object relates of making a wise choice and what you'll think about in the future.
Make a wise choice,
term 4
Friday, 30 October 2015
Friday, 23 October 2015
Problem Solving Revision
Here is an information poster about how I solved this. This shows what I did to solve this and the strategy.
problem solving,
term 4
The First Rugby Ball
Her is an poster about the First Rugby Ball. For this we did it like a timeline of what happened over the years.
At Music, Room 5 played the Xylophones. In music we played a song called " When the saints go marching in". For this we got into circle and started playing with the songs but we didn't get any better, so our teacher had a solution to get better. Then we got into groups of four to to make it sound better.
xylophones. music room
Wednesday, 21 October 2015

basic skills,
term 4
Problem Solving
To help with my 7 times table. This Slide show shows everything that you can do with your times tables. This include strategy's that I learnt to solve the answer and I learnt different strategy that can help me.
7x tables,
problem solving,
term 4
Tuesday, 20 October 2015
7x tables - June & Tiare
Here is Tiare and I DLO poster about the 7 x table. It tells you about repeated Addition, Factor and the Product, Arrays, and Skip counting.
Monday, 19 October 2015
Doctor - Careers
At Careers Ana and I hae made a Poppet on what relates to being a Doctor, and what skills they will that in common. We made this because we wanted to see what we need to be a Doctor and what skills you need. The thing that I found interested was that you some we found most of jobs of what being a doctor.
Thursday, 15 October 2015
Get Into Gear, Stilton. - June
This is my retelling of the story about Get Into Gear, Stilton. The purpose of this is to retell a story about Geronimo Stilton in my own words and that it would other kids to read his stories. I found this book very interesting because a has really powerful words that makes me want to think of how his making other reader more interested and that makes me want to read more. I would rate this book a 10 of 10 because it made me make picture in my head of whats I'm reading about.
Geronimo Stilton,
term 4
Walt Disney
This is my DLO about Walt Disney. This DLO contains times he has faced some difficulties. I made this because it for an CARE Award activities. The thing that I found most interesting was that he escaped from home because his brother and himself didn't have a connection with their Father.
CARE awards,
term 4,
Walt Disney
Ukuleles - June
Today we went to the music room. In there we played the ukuleles. Our teacher has just played a the ukuleles so its her first time playing and playing the chords.
ukuleles. music room
Shake Out- June and Paige
This our DLO about shake out. Today at 9.15 we had to do a practice about what could happen when there's and earthquake.
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
Story Swap - June and Jasmine.
A long time ago there was a house that was sitting there for centuries. The house had a creepy look to it. So I had a feeling to that I should go and check it out for myself. As I slowly walked up the stairs the creek in the wood got louder and louder then I finally open the door. I walked inside the house, the minute I stepped into the house my heart started racing and it felt like I missed a heart beat. As I walked more deeper and deeper into the house I started shaking like an earthquake was happening inside the room. So when i started shaking I had felt a shadow beside me like he was watching my every move I made. Room by room it got darker and darker so suddenly I came up to a room where there was lights to only find sometime that was only usable. Then BAM!! the door shut before my very eyes. I only had one way to get out, and that was to call call someone for help. So as I reached for my phone I finally call someone but none was there. So I tried again an finally someone picked up Yay but it felt like days went or even years pat. So I thought to my self would I have missing?
Today, R5 have been doing writing. For writing we did 'Story Swap'. For this you had to write a recount about a picture that my teacher found.
story swap.,
Tuesday, 13 October 2015
Grid Challenge - June and Courtney.
Today, R5 had played a maths games called The Grid Challenge. For this you are practicing your time tables and your measuring skills. Also for this game you looking for arrays and your skip counting to check the answer.
Monday, 12 October 2015
Problem Solving
Today for maths we had a problem to solve. Today I was surprised that I was stuck on doing subtractions and that I need more work on, So tomorrow I'll have to be working with my teacher so she can help me.
problem solving
Wednesday, 23 September 2015
Personal Passion
This is my personal passion that I made about my favorite passion. As you can see my favorite passion is singing and I like to that everyday. I made this because it was for my CARE awards.
CARE awards,
personal passion
Tuesday, 22 September 2015
Nutrients DLO - June, Afu, Navid, Zahn.
This is our group presentation that we made with Zahn, Afu, Navid, and me. We made this by using Prezi and I think this is going wonderful. We made this because on Monday we had to go Pak n Save because it we were learning how to read labels for the food that we eat almost everyday. We found most interesting that the everyday food is the unhealthy food because it has lots of sugars and dietary fiber. For the occasional food it is the most healthy food but expensive. So we think that the everyday food is cheaper but not healthy and the occasional food is expensive but healthy.
food labeling,
nutrient information
Monday, 21 September 2015
Letter To Mrs Anderson - June
This is my CARE awards activties and what I have done, I have made a Google poster and I have to write a letter to my teacher. I have found these pictures off Google images.
CARE awards,
letter to Mrs Anderons
Thursday, 17 September 2015
Shot Put / Discus - Run, Jump, Throw
Run, Jump, Throw
Today R5 have been doing kiwisport called Run, Jump, Throw with Andie. She has been with us for four week teaching us how to do Run, Jump, Throw and I have been enjoying these lessons with her. Today Andie taught us how to do Shot Put and Discus. For Shot Put we had been taught catch phrases like dirty fingers, dirty neck, clean palm. All of phrases have meaning with it like for dirty fingers, you have to have the ball on your fingers, for dirty neck you have to make sure that the shot put ball have to touch you neck and make sure put underneath your ear so that you can throw it far. When you are throwing it make sure you chin - knee - toe all in a row, also elbows high, and low to high, watch it fly. For Discus you have to grip the discus thrower like a shelf, so if you out upside down the discus should fall out, make sure you grip on the third knuckle, then swing up, clap, bring back, chin knee toe, then last of all low to high, watch fly, then fling it fast.
Tuesday, 15 September 2015
Jerry Collins - June
This is my poster about Jerry Collins that I made by myself. This is all about Jerry Collins. We did this because we was killed by a car accident with his family.
jerry collins
Breakfast In Schools - June
For my opinion I think that it’s a good idea to provide breakfasts in school because it could help students all over NZ to stay focused in their own learning and could be energized and ready for school.
Students all over NZ should be fed with breakfasts in their tummy. It is awfully sad that sometimes students aren't able to have breakfast and it could be because their parents rushing to go work.
I highly recommend the Kick start program because it could help schools around NZ to provide breakfasts to students. Kick start program have been helping schools around NZ because there are many children who go hungry and are not having breakfast. In NZ almost 400 schools are having Kick start program to help school in NZ.
Meanwhile, breakfast is the main meal of the day because it can get children to be energized and ready for school. Breakfast can provide you protein, nutrition and vitamins for your body so you can concentrate in your classroom. Also breakfast can fuel your brain and your body.
Did you know, that 15% of kids are not being able to eat breakfast in the morning. Also it is a good idea because it can help children to keep focus and concentrate in your learning so it can help you to stay focus.
BIS ( breakfast in school)
How can we help change the minds of those who want to change the flag?
How can we encourage those not to change the flag?
How can we help to stop changing the NZ flag? I am a Samoan girl, how would I feel if my flag would get changed? I think My flag is better, because it has nice designs and a meaning with our flag. So why are people trying to change it. Is there any reason why?
Talofa students, why are we thinking about changing our flag. I already know that they are agree to change the flag but why can’t we leave as it is? Some people in NZ would been upset because there are many people who presented our flag and for us.
If we do change our flag, would it represent our faithful soldiers who fought for us? I don’t think so. Do you think our flag is boring for New Zealand now? Is the new flag going to represent the New Zealanders? Would we even care about our flag? What if there could be problems towards the new flag, and then what a waste of 26 million dollars.
My opinion will be always the same because the flag is important because other people couldn't believe if they did change the flag. It is important because it reflects on the soldiers that who fought for us and died for us. We all know that the flag is really similar to the Australian flag but we don’t have to change.
My opinion is still not changing because it’s not right to change the flag, could it be recognised for the other countries. Sometimes people can change their mind over the flag because there are more important things then changing the flag.
Instead of changing the flag, there are more important things that need to get finished like spending the money on the Christchurch. Also to spend money for charities for school and foods for other people.
How are we going to be able to change our flag? Could this be our new begin towards our new flag? Is the money really worth changing this flag? What if they are going to change their minds about it?
Once again my opinion will never change because if they do change the flag how could this help you say no for stop changing the flag. Also remember keep in mind that there's people who fought for under the flag.
Changing the Flag.,
Monday, 14 September 2015
VIncent Van Gogh
This is our group popplet that we made about Vincent Van Gogh. I made this by using popplet and I think that we have made a good job with this DLO
Vincent Van Gogh, Sunflower Painting
This is my sunflower art that was inpired my Vincent Van Gogh. I think this art is one of the favorite because I have been through many stages of going through this piece of art.
still life,
Vincent Van Gogh
Cross Country - Fun Run
Today, after lunch we held a Fun Run cross country in Dunkirk reserve. Many people came First, Second and Third. For me did participate in cross country because when ever I run I get Asthma so I couldn't breath. So for the rest of the time I was handing out tickets for who ever cam Second and the other people who didn't participate also was handing out First, and Second tickets. Many people were unlucky and came last but they still had many energy from walking and having a rink of water at the end.
cross country,
fun run
Friday, 4 September 2015
Wood Work (Tech) - June
This is my DLO of Tech. This is my reflection of how we went well today.
Thursday, 3 September 2015
Run, Jump, Throw (Kiwi Sport) - June
This is my poster of Run, Jump, Throw. I made this because I want to show how we got taught and this might be good for others.
Tuesday, 1 September 2015
Series Circuit & Parallel Circuit, Science Elective - June
Today, I have made a poster about Series Circuit & Parallel Circuit. I have did because I want too show what I have done in my science elective. This is mainly about how I tried and do this experiment.
parallel circuit. inquiry.,
series circuit
Scavenger Hunt 4 - June
This is my Scavenger Hunt that I did. This is mostly about the book the Heart Throb. This were the questions that I found.
Reading activties,
scavenger hunt 4. june
Currents Event - A Couple Found A Safe Under Floor
This is my current events activity that I did myself. I think this is interesting because it says because a couple found a safe under the floor. I made this by using google draw. I made for my reading activity for my group and I think this article is really fascinating about what it is about.
Thursday, 27 August 2015
Run Jump Throw - June
Run, Jump, Throw.
This Morning, R5 had started a new kiwi sport called Run, Jump, and Throw with Andy. When we started we learnt new skills like, you have to stand tall, looking straight ahead, cheek to cheek with arm movement, light feet, and high knees. Then when we got comfortable we had skill drill,relays and Hurdle. For the starting, Sprint and long has different wording so like if you are sprint the starter only say get mark and go. Also for the start you never look at the starter because if you do you'll get a false start.
Kiwi Sport,
Tuesday, 25 August 2015
Hydration - June & Saruja
This is my partner and I poster about Dehydration. This is all about 'Hydration' and why is it vital to human survival. We had to do a 25 summary about why is water vital. We think water is vital because without water our land will be dried up and all cracked. Also with water you have the choice to grow food on land and making sure you are hydrated.
Monday, 24 August 2015
Typing Web - June
This is a website that I found out called Typing Web. This website helps you to type faster and to learn more about our computer. This screenshot is about my results that I got during my typing test. As you see I got a couple stars that are missing and that's because I haven't been practicing my typing skill that much so next I will try and do that in my spare time
typing test,
typing web
Wednesday, 12 August 2015
Home Learning - Paying Forward (Night 2)
Home Learning: Paying Forward 2
Yesterday night we had to do another Pay It Forward. So last night I chose to help my Nana to look after my Mum while my mum went to a Netball Game with my sister. After my mum and my sister came from netball and my Nana was so happy and felt good to finish some other things for my papa.
Tuesday, 11 August 2015
Home Learning: Paying Forward
Home learning: Paying Forward
Part of lasts nights home learning was to do something with or for someone else. I chose to help my Mum to make dinner and my Mum was happy because she wouldn't be able to make dinner without me.
Tuesday, 4 August 2015
My Direct Speech
“Hey, do you think it’s good idea to provide breakfasts in schools?” June wondered.
“Yeah, but what if they have no money to provide breakfasts in school?” questioned June.
“Yeah, because it can also help children in their learning” replied June
Today R5 did direct Speech that we did by suing out I fake Text that about NZ providing breakfasts in school.
direct speech,
Monday, 3 August 2015
Scavenger Hunt Goosebumps and Butterflies - June
Today my reading group did an activty that we did about the book called Goosebumps that was made by Denise Silk-Martelli.
Reading activties,
Monday, 27 July 2015
Arohatia Te Reo (Cherish The Language) - June & Afu
This is my partner and I poster that we did explaining about about Maori Language Week. We made because this week is about the language about Maori and that s other people can learn of what we did in this poster. We made this by using google drawing and by using appropriate colors that can respect the language of Maori. We learnt that for last 200 years the Maori language have suffered since New Zealand was introduced to New Zealand so that means nobody hardly spoke Maori.
June & Afu.,
maori language week
My Personal Connection With Hauora - June
This is my personal connections with Hauora. I made this by using google draw. I made this because I want show hat are my connections with Hauora.
hauora - June,
Friday, 24 July 2015
Complex Sentence
This is Google Drawing about a Complex Sentence that I did with my Group. I made this because we want to show what we learnt about a complex Sentence.
complex Sentence,
google draw,
Thursday, 23 July 2015
The Wahine Disaster - June
This is my homework for this week and the topic for this homework is The Wahine Disaster. I made this by using Google Draw. I made this because want to show you what I found out about the Wahine Disaster.
Mighty Muscles - June
This is my reading activity that I did. I made this by using Google draw. This is a facts sheet and these are the facts that I found out.
Reading activties
Wednesday, 22 July 2015
Typing Club
This is my high score of what I got for typing club. I am really proud of what I got. But I will have to keep on working on my skills.
This is my lowest score that I got my typing club. I am really kind of not happy because I didn't really get the score that I want. Next time I will try my hardest and get my high score.
typing club.
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